About me
Jan 7, 2024
No new tale to tell
If you can understand the sub-heading, you know I am a music buff. I also love to write, so I will be doing so for The Manager’s Minutes, a publication my friend NRWillick set up.
Some background-
- I am officially middle-aged. I never thought I would be this. Peter Pan screwed me over.
- I have a dry humor. Have fun with that!
- I am a vice-president for a Fortune 500 company. I have been in management for more than 20 years.
- I like to write. I am in the process of writing some e-books for Amazon about leadership/management. Looking at some of the articles already written in The Manager’s Minutes, I feel I can add to them.
If you have any questions, shoot them my way. See you on the other side!